Enhancing the Wharton experience

The Wharton Deans’ MBA Advisory Council is a selective group of 25 students who are committed to enhancing the Wharton experience for their classmates and future students.


DMAC uses a rigorous data-driven approach to develop actionable recommendations and partner with the administration on some of the toughest problems facing the student body. We function as a think tank and consulting group for the Deans, serving as a crucial link between administration and the student body.


Projects are selected through a collaborative process between administration and students leading DMAC. Each focuses on a strategic opportunity for the Wharton community.

Projects for the 2022-2023 academic year are listed below.


Academic Engagement

Understand drivers of academic engagement and how to better serve different student personas in academic experience at Wharton


Elevating Community at Wharton

Bridge belonging gaps and build deeper sense of community, earlier on in MBA experience

Social Impact and Ethics

Enabling students with the tools to not only pursue rules in social impact, but also be leading ethic leaders across all industries.


The World’s First Business School

Transforming Business Education